Spring Fever
Spring Fever
Story & Photos by t.e.l.l. New England
Spring is an indispensable time in New England. Just as the callousness of winter wears us down, we are greeted with the glimmering hope of warming temperatures and additional hours to spend with the sun. Our spirits are lifted by signs of a new season as we begin to awaken from an eternal slumber.
Spring takes its time. Some mornings we are greeted with a glowing sunlight while a cool air lingers and stings our lungs. As we begin to wonder if we will ever escape the depths of winter, we are shown little signs of hope. Icicles melt from frozen rooftops. Snow banks recede revealing fall’s yellowed grass. Birds take ight, greeting you with their spring song. You are alive with excitement, ready to embrace what is to come.
Greeted by the sun on a warm March day, we set out to take pleasure in a day marked by spring’s promise. Tempera- tures rose to above 50 degrees and the snow quickly melted under foot. A re was built and friends gathered. We shared stories and sipped on warm Maple Hot Toddys and hot chocolate.
The re died down and friends returned to the warmth of their homes. The sun set behind the trees, bringing with it the chill of an early-spring evening. Smiles were present knowing that tomorrow, the sun will rise from behind those trees, bringing with it another beautiful day. Spring fever was in full swing.